ADPM - African Diaspora Project Management
ADPM stands for African Diaspora Project Management
Here you will find, what does ADPM stand for in Investment under Finance category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate African Diaspora Project Management? African Diaspora Project Management can be abbreviated as ADPM What does ADPM stand for? ADPM stands for African Diaspora Project Management. What does African Diaspora Project Management mean?The Cameroon based business firm is located in Douala, Littoral and handles investment management.
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Alternative definitions of ADPM
- Agrarian Democratic Party Of Moldova
- AD Pepper Media
- AD Pages Magazine
- Advanced Dynamic Program Management
- Active Dispenser Payload Module
View 6 other definitions of ADPM on the main acronym page
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- AAD Affinity Advisors Dublin
- ABC Alliance for a Better Community
- AEDC Artistic Edge Dance Company
- APT Asian Poker Tour
- ACL Art Chowder LLC
- AST Acme Sex Toys
- ACIWL ACI Worldwide Limited
- AMSCCL AMS Crossborder Consulting LLC
- AYAFI AYA Financial Inc.
- AUHS American University High School
- ALG The Anderson Legal Group
- AIR American Institute of Research
- AIA Anima Interactive Agency
- ATGI All Thats Good Inc
- AGML Association Group Management Ltd
- AAL Agility Agriculture Ltd
- AMBA Athletic Mission Baseball Academy
- ACC America Coast to Coast